With a passion for innovation

we design creative

engineering solutions.

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Inventive design

for retail, industry, architecture,

and film special effects....

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Electronic & Industrial Design

EMP Designs is an engineering design company with big ideas and unbridled enthusiasm for what we do. Specialists in electronic & industrial design, we collaborate and partner our clients to understand the total scope of a problem, then manipulate the latest technologies to deliver inventive approaches.

Our solutions improve efficiency and function, whilst being fully responsive to the environment they will be used in, and how and by whom they will be used.

Diverse Engineering

Working across diverse engineering areas in busy workshops, varied retail environments, precise one-off architectural projects and the luxury, controlled world of the film industry, our team jumps between giant hydraulics and precision circuit boards.

We’ve developed solutions for small specialist companies, we’ve worked with research and development teams on new products and we’ve surprised big companies, by being able to take their problem away and solve it imaginatively, rapidly, and at a fraction of the cost of an in-house department.

We haven’t yet been given a problem we weren’t able to solve!


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Plug Top Dimmer video thumbnail

‘How to use’ lighting products video series

The team at EMP Designs prides itself on well-designed, easy-to-use products. To assist our users further and ensure they are getting the most out of our range, we have started to create a series of instruction videos.

New apprentices take on design challenges

Our expanding team of apprentices face design challenges to build their problem solving skills. See team at work...
Image of man by HRW Wallingford wave panels

EMP Designs embeds EtherCAT P technology into HR Wallingford’s wave measurements

HR Wallingford’s wave generation systems now use EtherCAT technology after EMP Designs created an IP-rated bespoke embedded controller.